
Distributor meeting 2024

Our first international distributor meeting took place in Kamenz on March 4, 2024. Representatives of our sales partners from several European countries and the USA were guests to get to know our company personally.

The meeting opened with a welcome dinner on the day of arrival. There were first opportunities to exchange experiences and ideas and to make contacts.

The next morning, we began with a tour of our factory. In addition to an insight into our production processes, there was the opportunity to get to know the people behind the scene who build our spotlights with great sensitivity. Afterwards, as a surprise, we were able to arrange a short tour with our raw part supplier and peek over their shoulders as various individual parts were turned and milled. In the afternoon, there was an informative presentation of our products, some customized projects and the latest innovations in the showroom of our future headquarter - the old “post office” in Kamenz.

Together with all participants and employees, we brought a very intensive day to a cosy end in a rustic atmosphere with many regional specialties.

We would like to thank all participants for the interesting discussions and the valuable exchange of experiences!
Thanks to all colleagues who contributed to this.

A good start for future events...


alle Varianten der neuen Steckverbinder
(Magnetschienen-)Cube ringsum geschlossen
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel
(Magnetschienen-)Cube auf Sockel